School Pedagogy

                 The child is sole focus of education at JBS and is central to all activities planned, implemented and evaluated. We facilitate the child to learn and enhance the individual capabilities and prior knowledge brought to each situation. We facilitate learning rather than carry out testing. The facilitator observes the children when they are actively engaged in exploring, investigating, thinking and communicating and plans to suit the abilities and interests of each child while offering stability with flexibility to cater for individual differences.

Children are encouraged to talk to adults and each other which promotes development of language and thinking. Expression becomes detailed and lively when children are given real experiences. In the early years teachers write for the child. The child closely observes the process of writing. The teacher reads back to them. Children learn language best when teachers uses the child’s own words. The environment is print rich .The teacher draws attention of the child to the features of print, reads to the children, tell stories, jokes, rhymes and riddles. Invented spellings are accepted till the age of 6&7. Text book or any book can best start with illustrations but children do not learn from semi concrete, they have to learn through concrete so text books are used as reference. Many books are referred and worksheets are used.

Math concepts are taken up through real life situation/ experiences of children. Emphasis is on “what to do” and “how to do”. More than one approach is encouraged for solving a problem. Games and riddles help the child to build up the mathematical language, concepts and bring in interest and enjoyment in Math. Math kit and TLM’s are used for concept building. The teacher thinks according to the child’s perspective {age, level, interest, background}. The class rules are that erasers are not to be used so that the teacher knows how the child thinks when he looks at the problem.

First hand experiences in real situations and with material are provided to help to arouse curiosity, excite the emotions and stimulate thinking. The knowledge skills and attitude are acquired through age appropriate and balanced content of activities and the quality of interaction. Skills are developed and refined through frequent opportunity to the practice in relevant situation. Attitudes to foster understanding of self and others there are reflections on experiences and situations.

Children are involved in planning the environment and activities .They display their original works, select and replace materials and choose activities. Autonomy given to them helps them to express themselves in a variety of ways such as drawing, sand & water play, cutting & pasting, singing & dancing and playing .The teacher listens to and progresses children’s talk by following the child’s line of thought with comments or questions and allowing sufficient time to them to think before responding.

Small group activities, one to one and working in a larger group are encouraged as each child gets an opportunity to participate and develop leadership skills. There is a balance between the indoor and outdoor activities .Flexible spaces allow the child to move freely, select activities and use a variety of material on a variety of surfaces. We provide loose materials so the learning and creativity increases as accessories promote creativity. The child chooses and selects an activity, directs it in his/her own way, initiates and understands that more than one solution is possible. There is balance between quiet and active activities .The child develops a sense of time from daily routine.

Children are evaluated on their skills .Writing observations help in the assessment of children. Children are encouraged to think, analyze, explore and express themselves. Understanding rather than memorisation is a goal we work towards. Correction style is in such a way which helps in development. We do not point out children’s mistake but encourage revision with the teacher’s guidance. This encourages the child to learn from own mistakes without hindering thinking and natural expressions which may be lost if the children are afraid to commit mistakes due to corrective measures. Thus they are encouraged to try something new, be creative and think in a different way.

Children are evaluated on their skills .Writing observations help in the assessment of children. Children are encouraged to think, analyze, explore and express themselves. Understanding rather than memorization is a goal we work towards

The school wants the child to be happy and enjoy learning.