Co-Scholastic Activities


Your child will have an extensive range of Extra Curricular activities to choose from. These provide opportunities for children in ‘Middle Childhood’ to experiment and grow into their unique personalities. Thus they are exposed to a variety of learning experiences beyond the classroom which include field trips, adventure activities, theatre, hobby classes, skating, gardening, clay modelling, scouting, etc enabling students to develop life skills and leadership qualities through experiential learning.

EduSports:   The School has a tie up with EduSports whose mission is to create a generation of ‘Champions in Life’ -Healthier & Fitter children equipped with key life skills through the magic of sports. The programmes help create 'Physically Educated' children while ensuring that students, parents and the School are involved in the process.

Rope Courses:    The School has a tie up with Altitudes who are professionals in training children in rope climbing, rope drills, etc to develop major and fine motor skills and self confidence.

Bal Mela:     A Bal Mela is organised by the school every Children’s Day which comprises a large number and variety of stalls and activities. It is fun-filled day for the children and is free of cost to encourage maximum usage.

Activity Day:    Activity Days are celebrated class wise throughout the academic year. Children of the class put up a stage show and a number of stalls based on classroom activities. 100 percent of the students participate in this event. Parents are invited to witness the stage show and are encouraged to participate in the activities at the stalls.

Sports Day:  The School conducts a Sports Day annually in which all children participate. The sports are designed to showcase the physical development of the children.

Festival Celerations:     Major festivals are celebrated in the School during the assembly. Children present programs related to the festival which increases awareness, harmony and of course – creativity.

Nature Walk:   Nature activities are a great way to help your child experience the natural world. The point of a nature walk is to get up close to nature and explain to the children the five senses – sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste and use a multi-sensory approach to discover and learn. Nature walks once a week introduce children to the rich bio-diversity and interconnectedness of the world around us.

Life Skill Camp: Experiential learning is the best form of education. Field trips add a special dimension to classroom learning and provide concrete experience in learning. They provide for holistic development and deliver long lasting lessons. Based on the expected learning outcomes, all outdoor activities are planned, designed and incorporated into the curriculum framework and lesson plans. 

Life Skill Camps are organised in which children are taken outdoors for a couple of days to develop their skills and confidence for independent living. Physical, cooking activities change every year and also classwise.

Field Trips:  Each class undertakes a field trip based on the ongoing project to give children a hands-on experience of the various nuances that have been discussed during the discussion module of the project. The children see the activities in real time and space like visit to a farm, bakery, dentist, dairy, etc. This reinforces the concepts and understanding leading to integrated learning.